Saturday, August 22, 2009

Reminding me to post

Lauren reminds me I haven't posted anything in a long time holy cow.

So here it is:

I got my camera, I got a job, I've made a lot of new friends, I hate Illinois weather because its unpredictably bad...its August for heavens sake not October bah 63 degrees

Monday, May 25, 2009

One Week

and I'll be off this anti-biotic...lovely, I don't like it but I'll deal with it.

This is a good song I found, I'm posting it here really for my own enjoyment because I don't get much traffic haha

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Color Editing

Those were red tulips but now, thanks to After Effects :), they are light blue.

Friday, May 1, 2009

Friday Post / top 8 annoying people on facebook

I hope you're ready for this:
8. Embarrassing photo tagger
Clearly I didn't want you putting up that photo if I said delete it off your camera, but what did you tagged me in it on facebook.
7. Not in photo tagger
I'm not in the photo, don't tag me in it...just cause you think I'll get a kick out of how you think I'm "the innocent one" or the "the goodie two shoes" doesn't mean I will.
6. Mr. / Ms. Quiz taker
Just because you're fascinated by what of the original 151 pokemon you are doesn't mean I want to know what of the 151 original pokemon I am, so don't invite me to take them.
5. Acquaintance comments
Honestly I don't know you very well, I also don't know why you would be looking through my pictures and commenting on them...simple solution wait till I have photos that weren't taken over a year ago.
4. 1000+ photo profiles (self-tagged)
We all have those friends hopefully none of your reading is a person with more than 1000 self tagged photos. Think of all the time you've wasted on something that doesn't matter (the internet).
3. Internet PDA / Couples kissing on profile pictures
Yes, you're dating but looking back on this in the future, do you really want your future girlfriend or boyfriend seeing these dumb childish photos?
2. Creepy guy that somehow finds you without your lastname
Some of us just have wicked finding skills others are just creepy.

1. The Kissing girl face (pucker face) with gang signs
It just isn't original anymore so why do you continue to put up your sideways peace signs and pucker your face like you own the place. You know I haven't seen the regular peace sign in a while you could try that.

Thursday, April 30, 2009

Let's cheer up shall we?

In the recent news you probably seen how swine flu has increased sales of hand sanitizer and lysol disinfectant sprays...well that's all good and dandy that it took a virus to restart the economy but doesn't that show how weak we are as a country?  We are controlled by fear and a will to live, we push others down while we sit on top of the pile when everyone could potentially be "on top" of the pile if we just took the time to do little things for people.  But who am I? Nothing more than dust from the earth talking out my ass as I sit in my apartment hiding from the pandemic of swine flu.  What an American icon I am...

But anywho, cheer up and look at some more pictures:

Wednesday, April 29, 2009